Affects all MultiCHAX 8 users installing on Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1:
The latest Windows security updates (07/15/2015) prevents install of MultiCHAX 8. Attempting to install MultiCHAX, generates the following error: “Internal error 27555. CURRENT_USERSoftwareCHAX, The system cannot find the file specified.” The error causes MultiCHAX to roll back and not complete the install.
Specifically, security update KB3072630 posted on July 15, 2015 prevents the initial installation of MultiCHAX 8.
The following instructions will allow you to install MultiCHAX:
Open your Control PanelProgramsPrograms and Features (AddRemove Programs)
Click on View Installed Updates
Search for KB3072630 and uninstall it (restart required)
Install MultiCHAX 8. The installation should complete. You can reinstall the Windows Security Update KB3072630.NOTE: The above solution is a temporary fix until a new installer is released.