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CHAX 10 User Manual
The CHAX software was created to not only accelerate the payment process but also provide the user with a complete sense of security while this process is occurring. There are times in your business when it is important that you receive payment immediately; in the past, you were at the mercy of your customers’ standard billing cycles and a host of delivery services. That was until CHAX! Now you can take control of the process and deposit the funds the same day your customer authorizes payment!
CHAX allows you to create a check which can be deposited into your bank account as simply as any check. The United States banking law allows this as long as you have the permission of the payer (the party that would normally issue the check).
NOTE: Although permission may be verbal MBS suggests that you receive specific authorization before creating a check.
Your customer can either fax a copy of the check to you or give you the information you need over the phone or through email correspondence, and then have them either file the check away or destroy the check.
NOTE: If this information is provided to you over the phone, make sure to have your customer read to you the check number first and then the MICR numbers on the bottom of the check. You should tell them to mark “VOID –CHAXed” on their copy of a check which they will retain. The payer should retain the original check for his/her records; this original copy should never be deposited.
The key to CHAX is that it prints a check containing the MICR characters, just as they appear on a regular check. The American Bankers Association requires printing in accordance with specific standards, within very tight tolerances. CHAX offers a patented feature that ensures compliance with these tolerances.
CHAX is not allowed to be used for Certified Checks, Bank Teller Checks, or Money Orders.
CHAX 10 Home Screen
On this screen, you can ADD, UPDATE, or even DELETE a Payee. You can also set the selected Payee as your default Payee.
Setup Printing
Enable EPC Code
Last January 1, 2017, some banks may require checks created via “check by phone,” “check by fax,” “check by e-mail” etc, to have a new code digit printed on the MICR line.
The Accredited Standards Committee is an ANSI (American National Standards Institute) accredited standards developing organization, responsible for the development of financial services standards in the U.S.
The ASC banking standard defines a new usage for the External Processing Code (EPC). A setting of the number 6 for position 43, as a MICR line character, will now be used to specifically identify a check as a Remotely Created Check (RCC).
The new standard states that each check that is created via “check by phone,” “check by fax,” “check by e-mail” will be required to have the checks print the special character 6 prepend the routing symbols.
Checks without the special character may be rejected by the bank.
Enable Check Lines
Prints a line under the Pay to the order of, Amount spelled out and numerals, and MEMO data fields.
Change Database Path
The default database path of CHAX version 10 is in C:\ProgramData\CHAX\CHAXDATA.
ProgramData is a hidden folder in C Drive. Please use the below link for the instructions to unhide any hidden folder:
You can move the Database files to a new location (of your choice)
Once you do that, you can map the new location of your CHAX version 10-database files by browsing the correct data path. Note: To make these changes, you need to have Admin Rights to the machine.
Enable or Disable Security
When you firstly launch CHAX 10, it will ask you if you wish to enable the login prompt. You may say YES or NO. The default user name and password is admin
Export Database
You can export your CHAX version 10 DB as a zip file.
After clicking the EXPORT button, make sure to save and name the file to your desired location.
Import Routing File
Importing a more updated file regarding routing number and its assigned bank details in CHAX version 10 database.
Upgrade Database
If you are using CHAX version 8 or 9, you can let CHAX version 10 fetch the database files of 8 or 9 so that can still use your old transactions from the old versions.
Admin is the default user name of CHAX 10.
By clicking UPDATE, you can either change its FULL NAME, PASSWORD, and DEFAULT PAYEE NAME.
You cannot delete this profile nor change its permission list.
By clicking Add New, you can set restrictions for its permission list.
In this screen, you can ADD or UPDATE the current bank information.
Generate reports per Payer or Payee.
Enabling Single Payer or Payee Report will let choose what entity you wish to generate only.
An option such as grouping the report by date or payer and selecting a specific date is also available.
This screen shows you the following:
- View Help – will route you to CHAX Software, Inc. knowledge base website.
- Activate Product – this is where you put the license key of your CHAX version 10 purchase
- About Chax Printing – this is where you see what edition of CHAX version you are currently using
To start printing a CHAX check:
To create a batch print:
- Toggle ‘Batch Printing’ from OFF to ON
- After check details are entered correctly, click on ‘Save to Batch’. You can also print the batch later
- Click on ‘Print Batch’ after all check batches are ready to be printed. You can also click ‘Print Preview’ to check how the face of the check looks like for proofing.
To memorize a transaction:
- Enter check information as normal
- Select Memorize instead of Print
- Enter how often the transaction should be printed
- You click on Manage Memorize if you wish to update or prioritize a memorized check to be printed.
- Select the next check date to be used
- Enter the number of remaining transactions (999=no limit)
- Enter the starting check number (auto-increment is enabled by default)
- Enter days in advance to enter
- Click on Save
Quick Check Setting screen:
All Transactions:
Importing Transactions
If you are printing a large number of checks, you can utilize the Bulk Import Check function in CHAX 10.
First, create a XLS file (Excel Binary File Format) in Microsoft Excel. The following format below is required (must be in columns inside excel)
We recommend to download the sample XLS file from the following link below:
After check data are entered correctly in the file, save the file as XLS (Excel Binary File Format)
Please follow the instructions below on how to import the XLS file in CHAX 10.
- Open CHAX 10
- Click on Bulk Import Check
- Click on Import File tab
- Click on Browse across Import XLS file
- Configure XLS setting before uploading
- Click on Finish Import
After importing the CSV file, you can proceed on configuring CSV Mapping. See the screenshot below regarding CSV settings:
Once CSV mapping settings are correctly configured, you can click on Finish Import to print those bulk checks.
Click on Save Mapping if you wish the same mapping settings for the next bulk import of checks.